Sleeping Bus tickets booking from Sapa to Ha Giang, Hanoi, Ninh Binh and Cat Ba
Book your bus ticket at the best price to more than 10 destinations from Sapa with Amica House
We advise you to use an online booking service such as to book buses, trains and boats to Vietnam.
But sometimes, we can book cheaper price for the same bus line as we are long terme partner with bus companies
And also, we choose always the reliable bus companies for confort and safety
If you want to book bus from Sapa to Hanoi, Sapa to Ha Giang, Sapa to Ninh Binh, Sapa to Cat Ba and Sapa to Halong city, take a look at our service bus tickets booking and our best prices
Bus ticket Sapa to Hanoi
Sleeper bus , single bed : 300. 000 VND / person – 6 h of bus
Sleeper bus , double cabine : 650. 000 VND / 2 peoples
Departure 7h30 AM – 1 h 30 PM – 4 PM – 10 PM
Bus ticket Sapa to Ha Giang
Sleeper bus , single bed : 400. 000 VND / person – 6 h of bus
Departure 7h30 AM – 10 h AM – 4 PM – 7h30PM
Bus ticket Sapa to Ninh Binh ( not Tam Coc )
Sleeper bus , single bed : 400. 000 VND / person – 8h of bus – Departure 9h30 PM
Bus ticket Sapa to Cat Ba island
Sleeper bus , single bed : 600. 000 VND / person – 10 h of bus including ferry – Departure 9 PM
Sapa to Halong city
Sleeper bus , single bed : 450. 000 VND / person – 9 h of bus – Departure 10 PM
Check all the price on line , book there, but if you don’t find bus for your next destination, d’ont hesitate to contact us for more detail and we are glad to help you to book
How to book bus tickets with us
It’s very easy to book bus with Amica House if you are staying in our house then just talk to Hong , we are more than happy to help and you just pay the ticket by cash
If you are not staying with us then email us about the bus ticket you need to go to Sapa then pay by Paypal before we book the ticket for you
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